Monday, 26 September 2011

TWO > Translation of Concept

What was important in your last collection? What needed clarification or revision? What can you edit out?

The pleats and panels from my last collection were important. However, after revising my previous work I can see that my concept was not communicated clearly throught my design work. I will revise and update my concept board and writing to clearly communicate my concept and review earlier designs which were closer related to my concept and revise, edit, develop and filter these using market research and trend reports to inform my work.

The layered and complex nature of man, his desire for truth and understanding, his emotions, conscience and consciousness will be communicated through complex and technical pattern development, layering of fabrics through pleats, tucks, and panels. The garments will have various translucent panels that show the garment construction and layers communicating man's desire for understanding and truth. The garments will mimic the silhouette of trees, slimmer at the top and heavier around the trunk of the body. To emphasise the layering contrasting binding will be used for openings and significant panels, as well as repitition of fastenings similar to DNA strands. Natural and varied colours will communicate the still significant colours of nature.

Is my design signature emerging?

As a designer I would like to create feminine, elegant, serious/fun and intelligent designs for women's wear. Quality, fit and creative/innovative techniques will establish my design signature as well as investigations into both fair trade and sustainable practices. I would like historical, cultural, social, religious, and other important studies which concern everyday life to influence my design.

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