Wednesday, 28 September 2011

TWELVE > Inspiration: Armani

Tailored jackets and suits with the use of patterned/textured fabrics.

ELEVEN > Design Development

These were just random designs.
 Some of which do consider my concept but were done just to get into the flow of designing.
 Each design will be considered and refined. 

TEN > Trends Winter 2012

Trends inspiration for winter 11/12 from textile view.

I'm interested in both the colour palette and the layering of sheer fabrics and pattern complexity.

NINE > Colour Inspiration

This photograph from the botanical gardens is the inspiration for my colour palette.
I will also consider trend predictions for 2012 fabrics and colours and consider these.

Color harmony workbook : a workbook and guide to creative color combinations
Rockport, Mass. : Rockport Publishers ; Cincinnati, Ohio : Distribution to the book and art trades in the U.S. by North Light Books, c1999
I want to incorporate both a professional and fun edge to my colour selection. I will considering traditional business colour palettes and add highlight and accent colours for that fun and feminine edge to contrast with a tonal grey palette.

EIGHT > Fabric Inspiration

Textile view a/w 2012 trends

SEVEN > Designs Revisited

When revising my concept and design work from assignment one I felt that my concept and final designs were some what disconnected and did not clearly and creavtively communicate and explore my concept in full. I have revisted earlier designs from my concept development that I believe were working towards designs that clarified and expressed my concept. I will take inspiration from these but develop designs to meet my target market- a/w 2012 ready-to-wear business collection.

Monday, 26 September 2011

SIX > Synopsis

Non-transient-nature will be a ready-to-wear, Mid-market,  Autumn/Winter collection for 2012 based on the concept of the study of nature, and the layered bark of trees as a metaphoric of the layered and complex nature of man, his desire for truth and understanding, his emotions, thoughts, conscience and consciousness. This will be communicated through complex and technical pattern development, layering of fabrics through pleats, tucks, and panels.
The collection will incorporate Jackets and tailored garments, dresses/tunics, skirts, shirts, blouses, and pants with various transparent panels and garments that show the construction and layers communicating man's desire for understanding and truth. This will be done in an elegant, functional manner appropriate for corporate formal wear. Also integrated into this collection will be individual zero waste pieces.
The silhouette will mimic the form of trees, being slimmer at the top, but will also emphasise the natural curves of the female hips to appear more feminine. To emphasise the layering, contrasting binding will be used for openings and significant panels, as well as repetition of fastenings similar to DNA strands for a fun look.
The collection will be designed for business women who want to express their intelligent, serious and feminine personality with a fun twist. The garments will be designed for women between the ages of 20-35.

For future (REAL) collections I will investigate fair trade practices in the hope of investing into this area of study and design.

FIVE > Inspiration: Scherer Gonzalez

FOUR > Trends

THREE > Market Research

Market research from glassons.

Market research from supre.

Market research from country road

What did I find?

Contrasts between high, middle and mass market?



What influenced my designs or what will I take into consideration?

Market research from Karen Walker

Market research from Zambesi

TWO > Translation of Concept

What was important in your last collection? What needed clarification or revision? What can you edit out?

The pleats and panels from my last collection were important. However, after revising my previous work I can see that my concept was not communicated clearly throught my design work. I will revise and update my concept board and writing to clearly communicate my concept and review earlier designs which were closer related to my concept and revise, edit, develop and filter these using market research and trend reports to inform my work.

The layered and complex nature of man, his desire for truth and understanding, his emotions, conscience and consciousness will be communicated through complex and technical pattern development, layering of fabrics through pleats, tucks, and panels. The garments will have various translucent panels that show the garment construction and layers communicating man's desire for understanding and truth. The garments will mimic the silhouette of trees, slimmer at the top and heavier around the trunk of the body. To emphasise the layering contrasting binding will be used for openings and significant panels, as well as repitition of fastenings similar to DNA strands. Natural and varied colours will communicate the still significant colours of nature.

Is my design signature emerging?

As a designer I would like to create feminine, elegant, serious/fun and intelligent designs for women's wear. Quality, fit and creative/innovative techniques will establish my design signature as well as investigations into both fair trade and sustainable practices. I would like historical, cultural, social, religious, and other important studies which concern everyday life to influence my design.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

ONE > Concept 'Ex nihilo'

Man's desire to understand the world we live in has led to growing interest in science. Many people look to the study of nature for enlightenment and evidence, searching for explanations for our existence, whether we are just mere products of evolution as Richard Dawkins argues 'The universe is nothing but a collection of atoms in motion, human beings are simply machines for propagating DNA, and the propagation of DNA is a self-sustaining process. It is every living object's sole reason for living.' (God's Undertaker, Has science buried God?, pg. 55) Or are we unique, complex, beautiful creatures created by an intelligent designer for a purpose? Sir Peter Medawar said 'The existence of a limit to science is, however, made clear by its inability to answer childlike elementary questions having to do with first and last things - questions such as "How did everything begin?"; "What are we all here for?"; "What is the point of living?".' These writings and questions were the inspiration for my concept as well as
visual recordings taken from the trees in the botanical gardens. My attention was drawn to the layering of bark, its variegated colour, and how the complexity and magnitude of nature, like snow covered mountains or vast forests, has consistently amused great minds of the past and present. The layers of bark, I felt, were metaphorical of the layered and complex nature of man, his desire for truth and understanding, his emotions, conscience and consciousness. 

'Our science is God's science. He holds the responsibility for the whole scientific story ... The remarkable order, consistency, reliability and fascinating complexity found in the scientific description of the universe are reflections of the order, consistency, reliability and complexity of God's activity.' -Sir Houghton FRS